In an orchestral score, divisi is only used when referring to string parts since they read two people per stand. Winds and brass receive individual parts, so this marking would be inappropriate.

Should you write your score like this then?

Distinguish Parts on Staff - Full Score

Absolutely not!* As a starting point, if you have 2 Flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Bassoons, you should group one staff per instrument in the score to preserve space and increase legibility.

What do you do if both bassoons have parts that require them to play at different rhythms and/or at different times?

You can notate it one of two ways:

The first ways makes clear indication who is resting and who is playing
The second way is to notate which player has which part by marking the part 1. or 2.
Option 2

*Let’s never say NEVER, because if the piece is very challenging, or more than 2 parts, you may opt to do so for clarity.